What is Kuji

Author: Zhiling
Views: 131
Last Updated: 2024-08-15
Last edited by Zhiling at 9/3/2024 03:09 PM

What is Kuji?

Kuji is a type of lottery where participants are guaranteed to win an original item, with no chance of leaving empty-handed. Each ticket corresponds to a specific prize, ensuring that you will receive something every time you play. Additionally, if you happen to draw the very last ticket available from the store, you will receive a special "Last Prize".

How to Play?

  • Purchase a Ticket: Buy a Kuji ticket from the store.
  • Draw a Ticket: Each ticket has a unique code or identifier that corresponds to a specific prize.
  • Reveal Your Prize: Open the ticket on-site to see which prize you've won. Every ticket guarantees a prize.
  • Claim Your Prize: Exchange your ticket for the corresponding prize. If there are any additional freebies (usually bookmark or postcard), make sure to collect them as well.
  • Special "Last Prize": If you draw the very last ticket available, you also win a special "Last Prize," which is an exclusive bonus item.
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